Will Adrien And Marinette End Up Together? Will Cat Noir And Ladybug Reveal Themselves?

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And worse, with Paris unguarded, Mayura and her sentimonster easily caused damage in the city. Just as Ladybug has a lot of trust and faith in him, he has the same trust and faith in her, caring for her greatly as well, even when she is in doubt. Such as worrying for her when she was knocked off of Rogercop’s car in the titular episode. When Ladybug leaped into Animan’s mouth in said episode, Cat Noir feared she was gone, but seeing her alive, he hugged her out of relief. And admitted to Chloé in “Antibug” that they were a team, he was happy when the “real Ladybug” came to free him. In “Gorizilla”, he’ll always trust her when he jumped off the building and didn’t transform.

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When she is turned into Miracle Queen’s servant in “The Battle of the Miraculous”, as Ladybug, Marinette is determined to save her. She figured out that out that Monarch is using the power of the alliance rings to find her but unknown to her, that’s how he transferred the powers to his villains. When that looked like a possibility in “Illusion”, by the Resistance Marinette hestaintly agrees with the plan as Ladybug but ends the same way as in “The Collector” being right but tricked.

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Tikki also helps her when she doesn’t feel confident in herself, or when she gets off track, often giving her advice. In “Princess Fragrance” when Tikki gets sick and is taken by Chloé, Marinette was desperate to find and take her to the healer. Finding her, Marinette rejects her suggestion that they transform to stop the titular villain, saying she won’t make the same mistake twice and goes to see the healer right away. In “Befana”, though finding it a bit strange, Marinette cherished the kwagatama Tikki gives her for her birthday. Hearing his warning shout, she finds out Cat Noir’s identity and that he knew hers.

Season 5

After the sentimonster’s defeat, they reunite but understood that Cat Noir is her true partner. With a chance to talk she accepted his apology about earlier nudging his shoulder, telling him even though she doesn’t always need him doesn’t mean she never goes reminding him about being irreplaceable. As the current Ladybug enters the future, she was surprised to see Cat Noir acting strange, aggressive and trying to take her earrings. After he explains, she realized that he was akumatized, she tried to reason with him and search for his akuma, but he doesn’t make it easy and was shocked that he knew her identity. With his anger reach a critical point, she pretends to surrender knowing he’ll always be Cat Noir to her, and with his guard down, she deakumatizes him. But is disappointed that he still knew who she is and how pointless it is for her to use her restoration powers.

Soon in “Elation”, by making Marinette’s feelings vulnerable he gave the villain an opportunity to akumatize her but by kissing her the hero also unintentionally revealed his feelings for her. In “Strikeback”, without knowing it as Cat Noir, he witnessed Shadow Moth create his deadliest plan yet, first he was infected by Risk and forced into making mistakes. Even though, he and his friends defeated the sentimonster despite it all (thanks to his cousin’s betrayal and them switching places) he unintentionally helped Hawk Moth steal all Miraculouses from Ladybug. With his archenemy nearly having them all he was filled more determination than ever to stop him.

In “Gabriel Agreste”, he reunites with his cousin again but he was back to his old tricks leading to his father’s akumatization again but managed to save him. He was also saddened that Sentibug couldn’t be brought back by the Miraculous Ladybug’s powers. Aware that now Hawk Moth is using the power of the Peacock, it’s implied like Ladybug that he believes that Mayura is now inactive. Seeing that their archenemy doesn’t have the Peacock Miraculous anymore means that Adrien official believes that Mayura like Chloé is decommissioned. In “Ephemeral”, once again he discovers the truth about his parents and is akumatized by his father into helping him but thanks to Sass using Second Chance the knowledge is erased.

But actually he was in Shanghai trying to steal the Prodigious even though she didn’t know what it was; except that she couldn’t let him have it working alongside Renren and Cat Noir to do so. However, she was shocked when he turned his akuma on Mei Shi akumatizing the guardian into his biggest villain yet. Even more so, when YanLuoShi went turncoat and eradicated him implying that Ladybug wanted Hawk Moth’s actions to be justified but in prison.

In “Zombizou”, after he became infected by Zombizou’s minions she refused to leave him behind. Then due to being reversed into a complete coward in “Reverser”, she stayed by his side giving him comfort and confidence. She assures him that he’s irreplaceable in “Anansi”, when asked about it with Carapace. During “Style Queen”, she was shocked when told by Plagg that he lost his ring, and after the villain’s defeat, she hopes Cat Noir will find his Miraculous. In “Determination”, during a return trip to the wax museum and when tricked by Luka and Kagami into being alone with him, Marinette admitted when Adrien tried to romantically pursue her that she was the problem messing up everything when near him.

In “Optigami”, during Style Queen’s attack Adrien ends up stuck in the elevator with Marinette in the midst of calling for help he warned her of a pair of eyes watching them curious to know what it was. He meets her at the Career Expo in “Wishmaker”, having the same problem Spotted Dating App can’t edit profile as her is about deciding his future. During “Troublemaker”, he is curious why Marinette has pictures of him in her bedroom after the live footage of her room from Fill My Shoes is aired. When he confronts Marinette, she clarifies it is because of her love of fashion.

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Alya’s attempts to find the truth about Ladybug can be exasperating for Marinette, but she does her best to conceal her identity from her. She was sad that she missed a chance to end Shadow Moth in “Sentibubbler”, but was assured by her partner she did right thing by saving Alya’s loved ones and him. In “Miraculer”, after Ladybug saw that Cat Noir got hurt by his own powers, she promised to heal him. In “Gamer 2.0”, when Ladybug had to fight him to get to Gamer and free everyone, she was horrified that Cat Noir eliminated himself so she could move on. During “Ladybug”, as both sides were at a stalemate, she chose to save him after he is thrown off the building by Hawk Moth, valuing his life more than getting her enemies’ Miraculouses. During the battle in “Miraculous Shanghai” when Hawk Moth akumatized the guardian Mei Shi, Ladybug told him to wait on using his powers on him.

In “Hack-San”, returning from London, Marinette, following Alya’s advice, goes to meet Cat Noir. As Ladybug, she apologized for not telling him about lending her Miraculous to another, thinking she hurt his feelings. But the hero confessed he was upset at the fact of him of not seeing her again if she stopped being Ladybug, but she promised that she would never abandon him. As a precaution in “Destruction”, she told Cat Noir of a plan to retrieve the kwamis if they were stolen or missing.

Returning home, they rehearsed again but were interrupted by Glaciator, transforming back into Ladybug she sees Cat Noir trying hard to improve but was still fine with him calling her “M’Lady”. After André is deakumatized, she praised her partner’s effort, once again home she tried again; speaking from the heart he found her speech beautiful and they wished each other luck in their love endeavors. However, in “Sentibubbler”, despite changing the future she still has nightmares of him as Cat Blanc. Implying that him discovering her identity caused his akumatization but actually it was Gabriel’s doing. And yet, seeing him head to Alya’s house she includes him on Rena’s plan by telling him that she saw everything from above. However Ladybug realized her treatment of him was wrong starting in “Kuro Neko”, being reminded of his sensitive side as her actions made him feel left out and leave.

As Cat Noir, he teams up with Marinette to stop the Evillustrator in the titular episode and promises to protect her. He introduces himself in a playful, flirty manner by kissing her hand and trying to show off his muscles. Afterwards, as Adrien, he asks her what she thinks of Cat Noir, and assumes from her jumbled response that she thinks he is cool, to his satisfaction. During “Glaciator”, disappointed that Ladybug didn’t show up for a date he had planned, he decides to stop by Marinette’s balcony. Confiding in her that they both are having love problems and cheers her up by showing him his surprise for Ladybug, happy that someone liked it. They both attend Harry Clown’s show, she tried to express her feelings by being funny but seeing her run away disappointed Adrien tried to follow but couldn’t because of his bodyguard in “Psycomedian”.

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April 19, 2023

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