“People want to be seen, validated, and accepted—flaws and all,” says Walfish. Truth be told, dating in your 40s can be a wonderful thing. You’re braver, smarter, wiser, and more discerning than ever.
Work on your social skills and boosting your confidence
When you’re in your 20s, it’s fun to text with someone you like all day long. But when you’re in your 30s, you probably have a career and a serious job and responsibilities (or at least the people you’re dating might). This means all the lols, brbs, jks, and rotfls may need to get toned back. And even if you can make it work with your job, it doesn’t send the best message. The guy or girl might start to wonder what you’re doing with your life if you have the ability to text like a maniac all day long.
The idea that young people like older people because of the financial security is irritating. One, because people who give a fuck about money are awful, and because I’ve met plenty of old, old dudes who are still doing the Somerset Maugham-y cheerful hobo routine. Like height or body type, age is one of those strange things about a person that we know they can’t help, but nevertheless handily use to write them off.
Advice on Dating an Older Man
“The older you get, the less of a challenge it’s likely to pose,” Lester continues. “In terms of life experience and maturity, an age gap at 50 or 60 isn’t particularly dramatic.” “They’re less likely to experience the same judgments and stereotypes if they decide to date an older man at this age.” By nature of being at a similar stage in both of your lives, she’s into you. If you’re not ready to settle down, consider dating women in their 20s.
The key to success is to know what ticks, what to avoid and what to do to be desirable and attractive. We welcome the Reddit community to elicit opinions on a variety of matters from our community of women ages 30 and up. Discussions must remain civil at all times, and women must be allowed to dominate the discussion.
By nature of being her age and more or less in the same stage of your life, you’re considered marriage material. You’ve got your shit together, aren’t in loads of student debt, don’t live with Mom and Dad, and vacation to places other than Myrtle Beach and Vegas. She may be or has dated guys that already own cars and houses, vacation to Rome, and eat spinach. On the other hand you likely don’t have the financial, professional, or social baggage that older men do.
Use your youth, spontaneity, energy, and free time to win her over. Older men are already jaded by the dating scene. They’re ready to spend Friday nights binging Netflix and falling asleep by 10. You, like her, might be dealing with scarcity bias. The dating pool has shrunk for the both of you.
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But even if a longterm monogamous relationship isn’t your endgame, you’re likely sick of the wishy-washiness and tomfoolery you once let slide. Most likely the woman you’re dating has had healthy relationships in the past and is single because she’s divorced or simply has never found someone worth settling down with. While this is the likely scenario, it might not be. It’s possible that she has attachment issues that have never been resolved. By the time she’s in her 30s, there’s no doubt she’s experienced strong feelings for a few guys. These feelings may have culminated in a long-term relationship or even marriage and subsequent divorce.
Be Direct When Dating 40-year-old Women
And she recommends focusing on the inner traits. Yes, obviously you want to be attracted to the person, but at the end of the day, what really matters are those inner attributes and core values. The problem InterracialCupid is that many women from are independent professionals just like their male peers. They, too, have a lot of dating options, are busy building their careers, and don’t have a clear urgency to settle down.
Just make sure that if you’re dating women over 40 you know how to use tact and are an expert communicator. While I don’t recommend searching for the unicorn that has no baggage (because you’ll be looking for a long time) I do recommend MegaDating so you can compare each of the women’s baggage to one another. Or her standards might be so high, no one can ever match up to the fictitious creature she’s created in her imagination. Similarly, you might also be dealing with a woman fresh out of a divorce.
Yes, there are still people just looking to hook up. But a larger percentage of the population dating in their 30s is looking for a real relationship. If you’re still trying to play the field and “do your thing,” well, to each their own. However, this guide is more dedicated towards people looking to find something lasting and meaningful. Chances are if you’re reading this right now, your 20s are getting smaller in the rearview mirror of life as you roar into your 30s. Well, you’re still driving the car down this road with no copilot—single.